Proven Impact
BBBSLR and its programs and services is best evidenced through the observation of a child as he/she undergoes a “no less than miraculous” evolution towards self-confidence, and becomes a highly productive member of his/her community. Since the inception of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Laurel Region in 1975, thousands of children have been served and we have received many positive reports and testimonials from our children, volunteers, parents, teachers etc. describing how lives have improved through our programs and services.
According to an independent study conducted by a national program development and research organization Public/Private Ventures (PPV), children who participated in the Big Brothers Big Sisters programs were:
- 46% less likely to begin using illegal drugs
- 29% less likely to begin using alcohol
- 52% less likely to skip a day of school than their peers
- 37% less likely to skip a class
- More confident in their school performance
- More trusting of their parent or guardian
- 33% less likely to hit someone
- Getting along better with their families
Most of the children involved with BBBSLR do not have the opportunity to have quality, one-on-one time with an adult in their life. The mentoring programs allow that child to form a relationship with a caring adult and improve areas of life skills competence such as self-confidence, ability to express feelings, decision-making, developing interests/hobbies, personal hygiene/appearance, sense of the future, use of community/school resources, ability to avoid delinquency, ability to avoid substance abuse, ability to avoid early parenting, ability to show trust, respecting other cultures, and relationships with family. The programs have also shown child improvement in school-related competences such as academic performance, attitude towards school, school preparedness, class participation, and general classroom behavior.
Recent local results also show the following successes of children participating in Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Laurel Region’s School-Based Mentoring Programs:
- 90% improved in at least one subject area
- 54% improved in two or more subject areas
- 14% improved in three or more subject areas
- 92% improved interest in hobbies
- 76% improved ability to trust teachers
- 75% improved self-confidence
- 73% improved classroom participation
- 70% improved ability to express feelings
- 70% improved relationships with other adult